Posted on August 26th, 2023 @ 10:14am
School Of Management had organized an expert talk of “Mr.Akshat Gupta, Author, The Hidden Hindu on 6/7/2022, Tuesday at "SOM Seminar Hall” from 10am – 11am for BBA students. The speaker addressed students with great life lessons like “Keeping one hobby alive for life, that could rejoice you along with help you earn a living in future” , “Don’t take failure as a loss- it’s a stepping stone to success” , “How Thinking can make a difference in life – Think, how you think in life”. There were around 110 students from BBA semester 3 & 5, who got enlightened by the session. It provided a platform to students to communicate with the speaker and learn great things from him. The endless efforts of student coordinators Mr.Jitendra Manglani and faculties made the event a huge success. The entire event was a great success under the support and guidance of Dr. Aarti Joshi.